Recovery is Foxie

Recovery Fox

This poem is about
being patient with myself
then sharing and serving.
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Toddling Baby Steps

    I want so badly to leap forward in progress.
    To all at once fully submit to my Lord's will.
    Baby steps though are all I manage to access.
    And forgiving myself again becomes my pill.

    Yes I am striving,
    reaching out to find Him.
    sometimes His caring
    empowers my light so dim.

    I am unable to do this thing, striving,
    Unable to his will, fully submit
    But am reminded that by allowing
    Him to carry me, the doing will fit.

    The spirit whispers
    3 strengthening words:
    "Ask your sponsor."
    Men are used by the Lord.

reminded of my Heavenly Father's patience.
Again I am reminded of infinite love,
I falter in emulating Christ's countenance.
I, as usual, impatiently push and shove

Toddling baby steps;
but short strides lengthen,
when I allow helps,
from others with addictions.

The pity trips I go on, my human failures,
He can make up for. He can cleanse, and atone
Can I allow it, trusting His lighting fixtures?
allowing his human helpers on the phone.

Toddling baby steps;
but short strides lengthen,
when I allow helps,
from others with addictions.