Recovery is Foxie

Recovery Fox

Heartfelt insights came
as Tim watched a movie
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Contents-all poems
Cast Away
(More than messages from a movie)

    I cast myself away from reality.
    I cast myself off from real love.
    Vivian and I saw the movie.
    I t had two special messages for me.

    I'm so grateful she stayed those long years.
    I'm grateful for love, a miracle.
    Sharing each other's blessed surplus
    An anniversary reminds us.

    Yes, her caring is more than I deserve,
    Yes, her most impressive real beauty
    Is the soul that dwells inside.
    Physical lust hinders love's real ride.

    That was one, gratitude for her love.
    Now second, how can I accept God's glove?
    I want to abstain successfully.
    Replace lust for Vivian's body.

Our goal, to improve intimacy,
A goal to enhance the way we see.
I have checked back into therapy
To be sure I stay in reality

A son is in Jail; My wife dislikes sex;
my job has changed, a new special stress
An assignment haunts thought's walks.
Reading Neal A Maxwell's conference talk.

Is this denial of lust's pleasure
This sacrifice of a bondage remnant
Really the way to godly joy's rue
Indeed will it allow God to remove

my disposition to do evil
Giving me disposition for good.
The ultimate sacrifice for me
Of giving up worldliness has a key.

Even the marriage bed was selfish.
Even legitimate and sanctioned by God
A most lovely part of the Lord's trust
I have polluted with ungodly lust.

I can choose my old natural self,
Or I can choose the will of Father;
Finding the new Christ like countenance,
Replacing remembered selfishness.

Turning to comforting inspiration
Hearing personal revelation
Learning step by step submissions fill
Increasing awarness of God's will

Total abstinence from the sex act
This time for a lengthy period
Greater and more lasting joy to gain,
The process, learning, consecration.