Recovery is Foxie
Recovery Fox

These 2 poems are comparisons,
different feelings of church attendance
between while I was excommunicated
and when I was again a church member.

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This 1st Poem was written several years before my rebaptism.
The 2nd poem (below this one) was written after the rebaptism.

Although the 12 step program works for whoever your higher power is,
Mine is my Savior Jesus Christ and my faith in His Church is strong.



    Today in church I felt alone.
    I am an outsider.
    I have been shut out for years
    My family left me at the door,
    at least the part that came.
    Half are still home in bed.
    I sit alone in the chapel,
    remembering past togetherness
    before my hideous crime.
    We have come in late
    so all go to separate classes

    Quorum meeting has already started.
    At present I am not worthy.
    I am not a part of things.
    The topic is ordinances.
    I cannot take part in the lesson.
    I cannot do priesthood ordinances.
    I hurt remembering when I could.
    I escape to sleep in boredom
    Class gets out late
    the congregation is in song
    as we enter the chapel.
    I stand and look into the pews.

    “I have a family here on earth”
    a lovely song indeed.
    Two of my family walk forward
    to sing these words
    with the ward choir.
    Tears come again.
    I am proud of them,
    but I'm also left out.
    I want to be part of the choir.
    Remembering when I once was;
    Can I join before the law releases me?

Because I am tardy
no one shakes my hand.
I missed a Class handout.
The class topic is resurrection.
Will I someday work back
to again be a real part
of this rising celestial group
at a happy future time.
Saints leave as I feel guilt
After writing I gather books.
I'm the last to enter the classroom

I can't find my loved ones
til my daughter spots me
and is able to guide me.
I can't pay my own tithing
When sustaining hands are raised
I am not allowed to sustain.
I am not a member.
As sacrament is passed. I am left out.
I wonder if the lady next to me
is questioning what sin could be
keeping me from partaking
of the Lord's holy sacrament.

Can I in song again share.
At least I can ask my Bishop
to see what is the Lord's will.
I am excommunicated.
I deserve what I suffer.
I have sinned greatly
against those I loved most.
I ask myself again
can I ever again truly feel
acceptance from the saints?
Can I ever accept myself
and in the future say

“I am not alone in God's house.”


A Member Again

The events of this poem actually happened on several different sundays.
    Today in church I have friends.
    Brotherly love is felt here.
    I am again a member.
    for some years I have not been.
    A son and his own family

    Little things seem significant..
    My sustaining hand is raised
    to the square as Bart's granddaughter
    and her husband became workers
    with children in the primary.

    I think of my tithing and putting
    my name in the place where for
    many years I put Vivian's
    I was not allowed in my name
    to give to God my income's tenth.

    remembering His bruised flesh,
    His blood on the garden sod.
    Relief Society had watched,
    as I partook of the emblems
    remembering Christ's great love.

    Afterwards Martha, our Relief
    Society President, put a hand
    on my shoulder and witnessed
    her watching of this sharing.
    I can again bear testimony.

    I start to stand and walk forward.
    Another member is faster.
    Giving thanks for her heritage
    and this great land of freedom.
    I am next. I feel butterflies.

    I thanked God's special servants,
    especially my Bishop.
    I thanked the ward, my family,
    my spouse whom I hurt deeply
    I thanked my Savior, my Friend.

    Perhaps my testimony
    helped the spirit in that meeting.
    I know our ward well though
    and they always find a way
    for God's spirit to bless us all.

    my story of rebaptism.
    My son could not attend.
    I wished to share with him.
    As he read he cried softly.
    It's Princely to cry spiritual tears

    I do not feel great or good.
    Indeed I am an addict.
    somehow though if I give my pride,
    my will, to God and seek His wants
    I deserve His love and caring.

motion for me to sit with them.
we're sitting in the chapel,
a granddaughter, her parents,
my spouse, a son, and a daughter.
Heartfelt feelings are inside..

Last Sunday Vivian and I
had said prayers, her opening
and me saying the closing prayer.
As spokesman a simple thanks
and a Plea for God's spirit.

I now pay tithing in my name
and partake of the sacrament.
In gratitude for atonement.
I remember my Savior.
He suffered that I might live,

A daughter, Camella, who sat
between Vivian and me
feelingly hugged my arm and smiled.
She is so sensitive to my joy
and tears trickling down my cheeks

It's a testimony meeting,
my first since I was rebaptized.
I silently pray to God
that I will be inspired to say
what I feel in my heart.

It's been over 15 years since
my testimony in a ward.
I explained how I had missed
the small things I could not do
because I was not a member.

Because of Christ's sacrifice,
even someone like me has hope.
He lives. This is His true Church.
Pres. Peter Communicates directly,
and with counsel okayed my baptism.

Erin and Camella both told
of God's goodness and love for me.
Of how they had learned from me.
As Erin sat beside me
I shared my journal entry,

Members warmly shake my hand.
I feel caring and love.
I am a member of God's Church
I am worthy of such joy
I have been cleansed by water.

I now accept myself and say,
"I am not alone in God's house."