Recovery is Foxie

Recovery Fox

My Dear Father in Law

Will Certainly Be Missed
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My Fishing Buddy

Yr 16

    I am losing my fishing buddy
    He has been a member
    of Hospice for several months
    His food seems tasteless
    So he does not eat.

    I have prayed that we
    would once again fish but
    under the Hospice care
    we know he is trying
    to die with dignity,

    Anton is more than a friend;
    He is my father in law
    He, not my Dad, took me fishing.
    Though unable to match him
    I want to be like him,

    Dad is anchored in reality.
    He lives in the now,
    He remembers to be prepared
    He gets joy from life
    instead of fantasy

Now family is told
he will not live another day.
His family should say goodby.
children are soon by his side,
to watch for his death.

Dying is painful to watch
He gasps for air and then groans
He gurgles, wheezes, and then chokes
His body is skin and bone
As life seeps slowly away

In pain he seems to wait.
Morphine, breathing drops,
Family, and dear Mom all help.
Mom has trouble remembering
Dad knows where things are.

Anton lived in the now
His teasing and humor
With bright eyes sparkling
His service remembered
Enriching many lives.

Friends remember: BYU sports,
pine nut hunts, tomato plants;
deer hunts, and polishing rocks.
But dad’s love of life
is patiently subsiding

Dads body hung on to life.
as we recalled memories.
After almost two more days
learning patience and God’s plan,
our Dad now has eternal peace.

Anton died June 13th at 9:28 pm