Recovery is Foxie
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Can Tim make the connection??


A pervert called at work
to her and Tim waiting,
Three-way calling his quirk.
We were calls expecting
The pornographic words
Unexpected were harsh verbs;

Vile - propositioning acts of sex;
Both she and Tim had a harsh reflex,
At phones - separate - unsuspecting.
Male-Female - both his abuse feeling.
This task is unacceptable.

But are Tim's images better,
or are his really worse?
For he knows better
feeling Christ's love source
does not yet prevent
his perverse fantasy vents.

Tim knows the hell of not submitting
Why won't he give in to God's bidding
He sentences himself to misery
Could an abstinence be key
to that which Tim seems unable?

Giving it to God can surge
to serenity, not control.
Tim cannot control this urge.
Vivian now has that role,
That is a new guideline.
She decides when it's time

Tim, the addict, for aid and support
must phone his special addict friends,
especially one called his sponsor.
Then prayer and meditation will blend.
to include God's feast table.

For Tim unreal sex is
my fantasy obsession

yet in this real event
I see how sick
my own fantasies are!


Can Tim make the connection??