"Get A Life." 

words of a therapist speaker.

This is part of an attempt

to help that happen.

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Rubber Raft
an addiction substitute?

    I feel the need for something.
    A substitute to use for fishing
    Now that dad has left the mess
    Of no fishing boat access

    Like Randolph after years of delay
    I got a float tube for fathers day
    but it was the wrong style
    so I decided to wait a while

    A float tube I decided
    Might become a boat instead
    Intense loner tendencies,
    my needs, social and friendly.

    So I looked at small rafts.
    The Mart had several crafts;
    But they had small content
    So to the internet I went—

    I analyzed, then chose one
    The ad said for 5 persons.
    But three of them were children.
    But I, Tim, could take a friend.

    It was an easy decision.
    I could have friend expansion.
    Part of my therapy’s strife
    a way to help “get a life.”[1]

    [1] From a 12 step group “speaker” social