Tim's Recovery Fox (Lust Addiction): Steps are Spiritual
Here are some thoughts
Tim had while studying

"A Gentle Path through
the 12 Steps"
by Patrick Carnes

What Are Your Spiritual Answers
Recovery is what's foxy
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Steps are Spiritual
The real person inside

    Why am I on earth and who am I really
    What still lies ahead in this life to see
    or in my life after the Lord's judgment nod.
    Addiction has ruled my life and been my god
    Attempts to overcome have failed in my soul
    for my pride felt I had to be in control.
    I have found a gentle path to help me see
    I search ten paths to spirituality

    A key to recovery and being sober
    seems to be finding inside of me a power.
    God intends to use more than I can see
    gifts that are inside and allow the real me
    to accomplish more than my abilities.
    I have more potential inside that he sees
    far more than the superficial believed
    things I have used to develop self pride

    A foolish pride that has gotten in the way.
    It seems I can only do, create or say
    the greatest I'm able to if I learn
    to be as a child and to just surrender
    to my God in Heaven's will, accomplishing
    what his glory envisions us both doing.
    I am a helpless addict without him
    learning to give a higher power my whims.

    I have found temporary peace in my past
    communicating with the creations cast
    so abundantly over this mighty land.
    This noble earth created, done by his hand,
    by his omnipotent power and genius.
    All of this beauty meant only for us.
    It is an indication of His infinite love
    Can I gratefully turn my heart above?

A large step seems to be a beginner's mind.
My search has led me to ask a new friend,
while keeping my current twelve step sponsor,
to consent to be a new type of mentor .
This person does not understand addiction
questions and answers won't be told or written.
Can a higher power help us learn a way
for this man will have so much he wants to say.

He has a vast wealth of common sense advice
His whole life was spent helping others be nice.
For many years radio broadcasts touched lives.
He worked: ideas flowed. a golden voice vied
for honors until physical infirmities halted it.
Now I will ask that a small miracle fit.
The hardest thing he has ever done may be
communicating with Tim, to help me see .

Paths open as a search for myself deepens.
For my physical body I need concern
I rationalize that my trips up and down
scaffolding at work keeps my body sound.
In reality an exercise program
three times a week can help me perform.
I also need some balanced regular meals;
brushing & care for my teeth I need to feel

Circles like a temple's eternal mirrors
or a wife's broken wedding ring's repair
are special, but more important to stop a fall
are support groups that are at my disposal.
Each in its own way is pulling hard for me.
wanting me to succeed The family I see.
My 12 step groups, ecclesiastical friends,
my work, but all moves are mine in the end.

Learning to ask for and accept outward
help from spiritual guides has its rewards.
12 step friends, among them a gentle sponsor
Special caring church friends, and loving leaders
Bart, Ted, Sister Mary, Sam, or Randolph,
Barry, Harry, Billy, Merv, Daryl, or Adolph
or most important great family members.
I see too many names to put in my verses .

in has a purpose though it's hard to admit
Changing anything hurts, a necessary hit
to awaken feared feelings we've kept inside
avoiding our fears by taking our down ride.
Habits don't need to just dirty our shine.
Good habits, our dailies, can polish the rare stone.
That is our real self we have in fear denied.
Choosing good habits can make God our main guide.

Being able to just trust has been something
that we have always had trouble in doing
A lie must be overcome emotionally.
We felt God couldn't care unconditionally.
If we believed, could His anger be trusted?
We were too evil, our lives were too rusted.
Addicts must find their God. This pursual
means that twelve step programs are spiritual.

Addicts who are learning trust from each other
can let go and let God with help from brothers.
He can enter each life; even become our life.
Step by painful step we learn that strife
is a teacher; that true joy comes by working
through the steps, not by our usual avoiding.
We experience peace, grasp the iron rod,
and humbly we learn to turn our lives to God,