Recovery is Foxie
Recovery Fox

My Christmas Poem Was Humbling. 

How can I Presume to speak for Christ?
This Christmas can we all learn
to just trust Jesus Christ?


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"Trust Me"

A Christmas Poem

	How can I presume to Speak			Trust Me friend!
	as if it were Christ? It is a		
	humbling experience to write			I am Christ
	as if Christ were speaking 			I can heal your afflictions.
	I wanted verification of my  			I understand you 
	ideas. The following scriptures			much more than you can know.	
	were looked up as part of the
	proccess of writing I found them 			I suffered 
	in the description of Christ's			in Gethsemane. 
	visit in the Book of Mormon			I was born to save. 
	3 Nephi					I can comfort when you hurt.
	9:12-15, 20-22;
	11:10-11, 14, 32-37;				I can overcome 
	12:16, 44;					all your doubts and fears. 
	13:9-13 (Lords Prayer);			I give Christmas joy. 
	17:2-3, 8-10,16-17; 				Partake of your Savior’s love.
	18:18-20, 23-2,32;				Open your heart.
						Trials and tribulations
						with faith become
						new opportunities. 
						Share my love.
						Why won’t you just believe?
						To accept my help
						you just need enough faith.
						Be righteous. 
						Learn to trust those who serve.
						Trust loving truths. 
						Do it Heavenly Father’s way.  
						Faith can bring
						to all of you, my friends, 
						the reality 
	Have you noticed how 				of my Christmas gifts  
	church leaders and friends
	as well as others like those 			It’s your choice.
	in my 12 step group can be 			My grace is sufficient.
	used by Christ to lead us to 			I patiently wait. 
	Our Savior’s will				Put your life in my hands. 
						and Trust Me.